Saturday, November 15, 2008

Obama as President: What next?

Barack Obama made history Nov. 4 when Sen. John McCain conceded his defeat from the presidential race and Obama accepted the position as leader of the United States.

Millions around the world cheered as Obama surfaced past the hatred and racial divide to accept the presidency. African-Americans fought for hundreds of years for freedom and equality, of which they still don't completely have. Yet, the same people that persecuted African-Americans and fought wars to keep men at the beck and call of others based on their skin color, elected an African-American man as president.

In my house, which is primarily conservative, I am the only person who voted for Obama. My roommates were against him, not because of the color of his skin, but because of the issues he stood for and the promises he made.

Those very reasons are the ones that made me vote for him. The color of his skin had nothing to do with it. And I believe, had nothing to do with his election to presidency. 

It is true that statistics show more African-Americans, women and minorities voted for President-elect Obama, but I think his promise to take us out of Iraq and save our country from economic downfall led to his election.

He has selected a heavy burden for himself, one I would not wish on my greatest enemy.


His failure would make bigots around the world blame his race. It would make conservatives laugh and say they knew it all along. And it would place the United States in worse straights.

Economists use statistics to show that the economy is better when a Democrat controls the White House.

I find it interesting that after 8 years of President George W. Bush pushing our country deeper into debt with this war, Wall Street suddenly plunges. We all wish low gas prices were an indication the situation was getting better, but I think we will only see change after another year or two.

Obama has promised to take us out of this war. I have a friend who had been in Iraq for almost a year. A friend who thankfully returned from the war zone unscathed, but unfortunately, not without memories. There are husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, friends and other family members serving in the military and overseas. My cousin and her new husband are in the Navy. They recently had a baby. What happens if something harms either of them?

I am not unpatriotic. I do not spouse anti-American beliefs. However, there is a difference between protecting our country and antagonizing a situation. Forget 'Remember the Alamo', do you remember Vietnam? I wasn't alive, but I remember the tales, the history and the protests. Most of all, I remember the numbers. According to records, more than 58,000 Americans were killed. Let's not even get into how many Vietnamese died in those battles.

I'm not trying to compare the War in Iraq with the Vietnam War. But consider it.
My uncle is in the military. It is his daughter that recently had a child. Every time he goes overseas, I consider that he is endangering his life for all of us. I also think that he shouldn't have to. A strong offense is a strong defense.

Obama, the American people picked you as the 57th President of the United States. Republicans and Democrats and everyone else want you to lead us through these indecisive times. 

We will be watching.